
List of Publications and Preprints

[7, arXiv] A. Dall'Acqua and M. Schlierf. The length-preserving elastic flow with free boundary on hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Submitted (2025). 

[6, arXiv] A. Dall'Acqua, M. Müller, F. Rupp, and M. Schlierf. Dimension reduction for Willmore flows of tori: fixed conformal class and analysis of singularities. Submitted (2025). 

[5, arXiv] F. Rupp, C. Scharrer, and M. Schlierf. Gradient flow dynamics for cell membranes in the Canham-Helfrich model. Submitted (2024). 

[4, arXiv | journal] M. Schlierf. Spotaneous curvature effects of the Helfrich flow: Singularities and convergence. In: Comm. Partial Differential Equations (2025). 

[3, arXiv | journal] M. Schlierf. Global existence for the Willmore flow with boundary via Simon's Li-Yau inequality. In: Adv. Calc. Var. (2025). 

[2, arXiv | journal] M. Schlierf. Singularities of the hyperbolic elastic flow: Convergence, quantization and blow-ups. In: Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 63.8 (2024). 

[1, arXiv | journal] M. Schlierf. On the convergence of the Willmore flow with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In: Nonlinear Anal. 241 (2024).